
  1. M

    Guide To Fix Bootloop And Other Software Problems

    Hello Xiaomi forum members, I've made a video a while ago, this video will help fixing bootloop and other software faults. (also can be used for downgrading) Before watching the video make sure to backup your data (if possible) because after this flash you will lose all of your data, if you...
  2. quangtiens

    How To Downgrade From Miui 8 To Miui 7?

    I have used Miui 8 about 3 weeks but I miss Miui 7 :( Miui 7 more stable, good battery management, theme support better, Xpos support better... I tried to downgrade by TWRP and Flash tool but after downgrade, my phone lost IMEI, signal, app FC... then I have to back to Miui 8. Could some one...
  3. P

    [mi Note] - How Downgrade Mm To Kk On Xiaomi Mi Note

    Hi, who knows how to get back to KK?