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  1. D

    Clock Not Updating, Alarm Not Ringing

    I did a full wipe and flashed the latest ROM last weekend. And surprisingly, the MIUI alarm has worked every morning since then. I didn't even need to apply special settings to the app...
  2. D

    Clock Not Updating, Alarm Not Ringing

    @64KRAM, did the Alarmtime-Fix help? I'm still stuck with the Google clock. I'm thinking about a full wipe once the next ROM release is out...
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    Clock Not Updating, Alarm Not Ringing

    @64KRAM Did the mentioned setting help with the Google or MIUI clock for you? I have also tried it out but it didn't fix my MIUI clock (and my Google clock has always been working...). I have some doubts about applying very "global" settings like "Miui optimization > Off"...
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    Clock Not Updating, Alarm Not Ringing

    I'm facing the same problem on my Redmi 3S (land) on last week's ROM. I turn my phone into airplane mode over night and the alarm doesn't start in the morning. I can't speak for the others, but I don't have any "Ultra super mega real magic battery saver app" installed. I'm curious what 64KRAM's...
  5. D

    [semi-solved] Alarm Clock Not Working

    I have exactly the same problem on my Redmi 3S. Turning off the restriction on background processes did not help. I put my phone to flight mode during the night and the alarm is only working if the power supply is plugged in. I suggest that the phone does not enter deep sleep in this case...