Recent content by stephenju

  1. stephenju

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    It's vague because there's no detailed reproduction steps and configuration information for developer to work with. It's like telling a garage to fix your car without even telling them what exactly happened or even what car you have. If a developer doesn't have enough information to reproduce...
  2. stephenju

    Successful install stable Global ROM on my Chinese Version Mi8

    Can you relock the boot loader after flashing the global ROM? Or does Googe Pay works without relocking BL?
  3. stephenju

    What is the problem if I do not install any custom ROM and continue with using the official China Rom pre-installed on Mi 8 SE?

    Don't know about SE. But when I first got my Mi 8 with Chinese ROM, and installed Google apps, the contacts wouldn't sync. Google Pay didn't work. It also didn't allow changing the launcher and some other default apps.
  4. stephenju MIUI10 stable release

    There are stable release for MI8 and friends posted:
  5. stephenju

    Android 9 and ARB.?

    8.8.30 is still 8.1. Is that table for the next build?
  6. stephenju

    Can I remove all google apps

    If you don't want any Google apps, why not just stay with China ROM?
  7. stephenju

    Mi 8 issues update 8.8.16

    I remember you mentioned elsewhere that 8.8.16 already has etc/gps.conf but still having issue with GPS lock after a while? If so, can you try disable A-GPS?
  8. stephenju


    Thanks for the explanation. Just to clarify. You have it working on Mi 8?
  9. stephenju


    Are you able to say "OK Google" without pressing any key/button to bring up Assistant wiht Mi 8? A lot of us with Mi 8 can't get that to work.
  10. stephenju

    Mi 8 issues update 8.8.16

    Then it doesn't work. The hot words are supposed to wake the phone and bring up the Assistant with only the voice.
  11. stephenju

    Mi 8 issues update 8.8.16

    Just to clarify. You can say "OK Google" to the phone and it brings up Assistant?
  12. stephenju

    Mi 8 issues update 8.8.16

    Time for some update on the common issues seen here. Please reply if you have 8.8.16 installed. GPS: Does it work for more than a couple of hours of phone use? Especially after the phone goes to sleep? Google Pay: Can you pay with NFC? Do SafetyNet tests pass? Please note there's a SafetyNet...
  13. stephenju

    Mi 8 GPS Issue

    The real cause of the whole MI8 GPS issue is the missing gps.conf file: You can find the gps.conf file here:
  14. stephenju

    8.8.9 questions

    That sounds promising. One more thing: Does Bluetooth turn back on after you turn on Airplane mode and turn off? Some reported that BT stay off even after Airplane mode is off.
  15. stephenju

    New Mi8 8.8.9

    They re-uploaded MI8 file to solve the Google Pay issue. Can you verify you flashed the latest one? Check the MD5 of your download.